Riga is famous for high quality medical treatment, that’s why now our company together with leading experts in healthcare, offers you new possibility for traveling – healthcare travel.
To ensure the highest quality of care and service to our clients, we have carefully selected the leading private clinics with the best surgeons and experts in their fields.
Our services include:
•        Providing visa, flight and insurance advice;
•        Arranging transport and concierge services;
•        Organizing first-class travel, accommodation and sightseeing;
•        24 hour support form hotel team;
•        Doctor consultation at the hotel.
We organize first-class options for travel and accommodation for our clients. For guests we offer good standard comfort rooms with everything necessary to relax. We arrange sightseeing around the Latvia or Baltic States for patients and their families during the recovery phase.
It will be our greatest pleasure to fulfill your individual wishes and if there is anything we can do for you to make your stay more enjoyable do not hesitate to contact any member of the Europa City Riga team.