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Вильнюс Hotels

Вильнюс–культурная столица Европы

The vision of national programme Vilnius – European Capital of Culture 2009 – a European capital of the future that is open to people, cultures and innovation.
The mission - to create a new European cultural experience in which culture is a part of modern life and each individual is its creator.
The aim of the national programme Vilnius – European Capital of Culture 2009 is to promote dialogue and tolerance in Europe and other parts of the world, as well as to elevate culture as a virtue in modern society and as the driving force in city development, which will distinguish Vilnius as one of the most modern and dynamic cities in Central and Eastern Europe, known in the world as a contemporary cultural centre of attraction, and one with a unique and apparent identity that is open to new ideas and investments.
CULTURE live is the title as well as the ambition of Vilnius – European Capital of Culture 2009.
The essence of the project is creation. Creation that is not abstract, not someone else‘s, not out of reach, but creation that is personalized, yours, mine, theirs. Authentic creation of the New:  relationships between people, ties between organisations, countries and cities, the liberation of inner power, the bringing of ideas down to earth.